
The 12 step HSP

How to thrive as an HSP in recovery

This course is the foundation for helping you integrate the HSP trait with your recovery.

I developed this course after 14 years of research and lived experience of being both in recovery and consciously aware of the HSP trait. I ran it for the first time at the end of 2023 and I will make it available to a wider audience in 2024.

Watch this space and subscribe to receive updates!

Online course and coaching packages

I offer bespoke packages which combine my online course and group or individual coaching. Coaching provides tailored support to help you integrate the online course learning, and enhances your self discovery and alignment. Group facilitation is a wonderful opportunity to be coached and to share your journey with others walking a similar path. It’s the way I trained and I can’t recommend this method highly enough!

To find out more about how the packages can work for you, just book a free discovery call with me.

Book a discovery call with me to find out more