Hi, I’m Jane

I’m an HSP coach, a clean and sober HSP in 12 step receovery, a researcher, podcaster and nutritional therapist. I have more than 25 years of experience of working one to one and facilitating groups, and I’ve been on my own personal development journey for more than 30 years.

Being HSP – a high sensory person – often known as a highly sensitive person – impacted deeply on all aspects of my life, but for many years I didn’t realise this. Becoming aware of the trait back in 2012 was empowering, but embracing its full nature has been transformative.

I’m passionate about raising awareness of the HSP trait, reframing it from being highly sensitive to high sensory, and helping other high sensory people to embrace their abilities and gifts.

I have a history of drug and alcohol addiction, and mental health challenges, but now I’m over 14 years clean and sober thanks to 12 step programs. Recovery meetings continue to be a vital and inspiring part of my life, and I love helping other HSPs in recovery to reconnect with their True Selves.

I trained to be an HSP Coach with Willow McIntosh at Inluminance. I have a BSc degree in Psychology, an MPhil from the University of Cambridge, and a Diploma in Naturopathic Nutrition from the College of Naturopathic Medicine..

Why work with me?

Do you wonder how and why you made it this far?

I often did. I knew I was here for a reason, but I wasn’t sure what it was. Even in my darkest times, I have always been committed to staying here in this world and moving forwards, no matter how hard it was sometimes.

When I explored what being high sensory really meant to me, a lot of things fell into place. I came to see that my time in the dark could also propel me into the light, and help others to do the same. My life’s work is to help connect other high sensory people with their true selves and their Divine mission. 

I provide one-to-one and group coaching sessions over Zoom, which can be also be done alongside my online programs to support their integration.

I work intuitively, using my own high sensory abilities and gifts in accordance with what each client needs. 

Every client is different, but we will use powerful energetic alignment techniques to explore your own experiences, abilities and potential. We can also work together on anything you would like to bring to the sessions.

The High Sensory People Podcast

I recorded and released over almost 50 episodes of the High Sensory People podcast with my co-host Elisha May in 2023 and 2024, and they are here for you to enjoy!

We are passionate about raising awareness of the HSP trait and reframing it from being highly sensitive to High Sensory. We want to increase the visibility of the trait, change how the world sees High Sensory People, and inspire and empower all HSPs to own their amazing qualities and unique gifts.

The trait does have some challenges, but being High Sensory has amazing benefits and gifts, and we want to talk about these! We believe that the world needs to know about the High Sensory trait, and the world needs High Sensory People and leaders now, more than ever.

We would love you to join us on this journey.

Find The High Sensory People Podcast on SpotifyApple and all the other usual platforms.