Coaching and group facilitation

Group and individual coaching to help you explore your true nature and deepen your spiritual connection,
alignment and joy

The method


Starting point

We establish why you are on this journey. This may change as we go along! But right now, what do you hope for? 

Being HSP / High Sensory

What this REALLY means for you. We unearth the unique gifts that you have because of your HS trait. Reclaiming these is transformational. It allows everything to fall onto place. 



Exploring connection with ourselves, with others, with the Divine. What does it mean to you, what is your experience of it? How do you connect with this Power, what does it do, and why is it important?

The physical self

We make sure the basic building blocks are in place for a balanced, grounded, physical self, to stay connected with ourselves and our Higher Power.


The mind

What it’s really for, and how we can keep our connection with our true selves, by quietening the mind, being in the present, and listening to the heart.


In alignment with your whole, true self, you’ll see how your life path has prepared you for the work you’re here to do, the calling you’ve always sensed. Its the reason you’ve survived the darkness and arrived here. 



Surrender into unconditional love for your authentic self, in acknowledgement of your courageous journey. 

Because being exactly who you are makes everything possible.


Connected, aligned and alight with potential, you’ll have the joy, energy, motivation and intuitive knowing to take your gifts back into the world and work with those you’re here to serve, to fulfil your soul’s purpose.


“My sessions with Jane are evidence of synchronicity and serendipity at work. Her guidance came to me at the right time – I was ready for it, and I have enjoyed every session. In a group, Jane expertly navigates and works with the experience, knowledge and energy that every participant brings. She provides a beautiful, supportive, joyful space, and this results in inspiring discoveries for everyone in the group. In one-to-one sessions, Jane helped me work through experiences and themes in my life that I did not have the courage to look at and explore before. I now appreciate being an HSP, and I find that it complements and enriches my twelve-step recovery. Thank you so much, Jane, for helping me to know and appreciate myself more. Our sessions have been a gift! I am grateful for the clarity and exciting possibilities you have helped me unlock during our sessions."

Renee, Editor

"Jane asked questions that I'd not even thought of and it's making things much clearer about my emotional life. Things I've kept hidden. Being able to talk in-depth like this has been incredible. But also, if I was doing this with someone that wasn’t in recovery, it would be different and I would be constantly thinking, “Yeah, but, there’s this other thing here..." So it's fantastic that Jane is in recovery too. The sessions really helped to explain so much about how I have always, since a small child, perceived and engaged with the world around me, and to keep on exploring what I see now as a tremendous gift. All these things can help me to help, so it’s got to be God-given – my Higher Power knows what it’s doing."

Imogen, Jazz singer & Teacher

Jane has a natural emotional intelligence and a very quick perception, and an ability to listen to something and just see outside the box of what I said, to see what’s going on. She helped me to see how I could handle a situation differently from how I'd always approached it, to look at it from a different angle. I loved her gentleness and her focus, I felt looked after and safe, like I could tell Jane anything. The best therapy I’ve had is when I’ve felt gently guided and that’s what I felt with Jane. I found the work we did together invaluable."

Jenny, Gilder & End of life doula

"I was interested to learn more about the high sensory trait and explore some strategies for the challenges that can arise. Being “sensitive” is something I’ve often felt is negative, so it was helpful to reframe it and explore the more positive aspects of the trait. Jane is calm, compassionate and patient, creating a safe, non-judgmental space for exploration, with time taken to understand my individual experiences and needs. The sessions with Jane have helped me recognise the value of listening to my intuition and tune out some of the unhelpful noise. This has given me the clarity and confidence I needed to take action over some important decisions I had been stuck on."

Jon, Graphic designer

Individual coaching

One hour sessions

Bespoke & focused exclusively on you

Tailored to your unique needs

Group facilitation

Small group coaching and facilitation in a safe space.

Share your journey with a supportive group and learn from others as you go

Online course & coaching packages

Combining an online course with group or individual coaching is a brilliant way to integrate your personal development journey. I offer group and individual coaching packages alongside my online courses.

Book a call with me to find out more.