Jane Elizabeth Aston

HSP Coach

Clean & sober HSP

From Darkness into Light
Spiritual Connection
to your True Self and the Divine


I'm an HSP coach and an HSP in recovery from substance addiction and dysfunction. I work exclusively with HSPs, also known as high sensory people or highly sensitive people. I've been clean and sober thanks to my 12 step recovery programs for almost 15 years, and so my coaching, group work and courses are all influenced by this. My work has a strong focus on spiritual connection and alignment with our True Self and purpose.

I provide coaching and courses to support HSPs to understand the HSP trait and thrive rather than just survive in a world that doesn’t seem to be set up for us. Together we can work to explore what gives your life meaning and purpose, so that you can re-discover and claim your unique gifts and live in joyful integrity as your most authentic self.

I love working with other HSPs who are in recovery from addiction and dysfunction, because I really understand the strength this takes, especially for us as HSPs. I am in awe of our collective courage and resilience. But being and HSP being in recovery can also be challenging, so I support the alignment and integration of these two vital aspects of ourselves, to help HSPs in recovery embrace who they really are and shine brightly in the world.

But you don’t have to be in recovery from addiction to work with me! I believe we are all recovering from something. Whether it’s physical health struggles or mental illness, perfectionism or people pleasing, we HSPs rarely have any easy ride, and it’s all part of our soul’s experience. So if you’ve been in the dark in your life but have always, however haltingly, been driven to move towards and into the light, and if you want to move further into the light with me, then I would love to work with you.

About the HSP trait

It’s a genetic personality trait – it’s not caused by trauma

High Sensory People or HSPs have the genetic personality trait of Sensory Processing Sensitivity or SPS. This gives them high levels of intuition and empathy, as well as other powerful abilities, due to a developed central nervous system which processes sensory data at a deeper level. The HSP trait is not caused by trauma. But many of us have experienced trauma and have been affected deeply by it, in part due to our high sensory nature.

The HSP trait can be challenging before we understand and nurture it. We can become easily overwhelmed and exhausted, we may pick up on and absorb other people’s emotions and be more susceptible to experiencing trauma from the events around us. We may have tried to hide who we really are because we felt different from others. It is vital that we learn to value and take care of ourselves so that the many benefits and gifts of the trait can be freely expressed.

If you’re in recovery it can be really challenging

HSPs in recovery can face considerable challenges before we integrate our HSP nature into our day to day recovery practices. These include:

  • Feeling disconnected from ourselves and others.

  • Feeling demotivated and exhausted.

  • Feeling as though the recovery program isn’t working for us like it does for other people.

  • Feeling as though we must be doing something wrong even though we are trying really hard.

But it’s actually a gift!

When we integrate this fundamental part of ourselves and learn to harness the HSP trait effectively, it can become our greatest strength and source of connection and power.

Are you a High Sensory Person or HSP?

Click the button below to take the original HSP quiz by Dr. Elaine Aron to find out if you were born with this amazing genetic trait.
It only takes a couple of minutes.

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